I'd rather be here right now:
(photo from my honeymoon in the Caribbean)
Things have been hectic around here lately. Not just the usual, I have twenty different things to do tonight kinda hectic, but something deeper. I've been thinking about a lot of things lately and those things being changes. Change can be a scary thing...especially when the change can be so big. Guess I'm just trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and where I want to go. I'm confronted with big scary questions like, "Do I still want to persue my jewelry biz..." Yucky stuff like that that makes me wish I was on a big beach somewhere without a care in the world. Anywho, I did manage to squeeze a small shopping trip with one of my girlfriends into the weekend yesterday and got a little something-something I hope to share this week. Till then, take care friends!