Hey! This is completly off this post topic, but I needed your expertise. Can you reccomend a reputable site/company that makes the gold "Carrie" necklace from Sex and the City with the personalized first name? There are so many sites out there, but I thought you may know of a good one. Any experience wtih this?
Hey! This comment is off-topic, but I needed your expertise! Do you know a good site/company to order the gold "Carrie" necklace from Sex and the City"...the personalized first name one. There are so many sites out there, but I wanted to make sure I got a good one. Thought you might know. Thanks!
Hey! This is completly off this post topic, but I needed your expertise. Can you reccomend a reputable site/company that makes the gold "Carrie" necklace from Sex and the City with the personalized first name? There are so many sites out there, but I thought you may know of a good one. Any experience wtih this?
Hey! This comment is off-topic, but I needed your expertise! Do you know a good site/company to order the gold "Carrie" necklace from Sex and the City"...the personalized first name one. There are so many sites out there, but I wanted to make sure I got a good one. Thought you might know. Thanks!
Hey Chelsea, I can't think of anywhere off the top of my head, but perhaps another reader can leave a helpful comment?
Can any one out there help Chelsea find the gold "Carrie" necklace from Sex and the City?
:) D
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