Image from Teen Vogue
All I have to say is "'bout time!" I don't know why, but I'm kind of a Britney fan, and I'm so glad to see her getting back to business. Maybe b/c her songs are fun to dance and get ready to go out to...I dunno. Either way, Brit's slimmed down and getting out and about. I think she looks better w/ longer hair, but I'm sure they'll get some nice extensions for her next music video or red carpet appearance...must be nice to be famous. Check out TeenPeople.com for more pictures.
Sans K-Fed. Those are the operative words. Good for her.
yes, good for her. i think everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief when she came to her senses. hopefully she'll stay strong.
I love the girl power ladies! Keep it comin'!
:) D
I hope shes happier now the guy seemed like a real loser. However I have to say that dress is shockingly ugly it scream Pamela Anderson in the early 90s if you ask me!!! Sorry Brits!!!
Phew...can we admire the body without having to see ALL of it? She looks great, but sadly her style doesn't seem to have matured over the past few years.
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