This is one book that's matured right along with us (and our expensive tastes). Amy Allen takes our favorite childhood nursery rhymes and gives them a full blown makeover by changing the lines to contain clever references to our new found desires like Manolo Blahniks and Jimmy Choos. This Little Piggy contains twenty two updated nursery rhymes, as well as the original versions, all wrapped up in its hot pink jacket.
I totally envision this to be the type of book that your girlfriends keep with their fave books on top of their sleekest coffee table...you know, the kind that their other friend's pick up out of curiousity to see what just might be in that pretty, pink book...the kind that you can all sit around and giggle about with visions of shopping sprees dancing in your heads...the kind of book that every fashionista must have in their reading repertoire.
Not only are the rhymes chic, but so are the pages themselves. Each rhyme has a custom-designed painting with fanciful watercolor designs that follow the theme of the rhyme that inspire dreams of designer shopping galore. Click here to see some sample pages
Lines like "This little piggy went to market" are made more upscale to read "This little piggy went to Prada." My favorite is the made-over Frere Jacques, which starts "Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton..." Want to hear more? Guess you'll have to check out the book for all the fun! Click here to purhcase.
So, so cute! This is definitely going on my holiday shopping list.
Hey TheDailyObsession! Isn't it great? I'm sure your girlfriends will love you for giving them this. What else are you shopping for Christmas? :) D
What a great present!
My Secret Santa will love it!
Thanks xxx
Ooh...good call catwalk_teens! this would make a great secret santa gift! I hadn't thought about that option :)
ooh, lots of things! i'm doing a holiday gift list, so check that out soon. :)
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